On Loving Yourself - you’re divine

Genuinely loving myself has been a slow and gentle journey for me.  Pranyama (breathwork), meditation and asana (physical postures) have brought about a radical transformation. I am aligned, centered, know who I am, can sit with discomfort, can take action to maintain health, I can say “I like myself” when I am on my own, the way I am with people and the earth, I like my physical body, my mind. I finally enjoy a healthy relationship with myself. I trust myself to nourish, play, find joy, rest and take on challenges. Life does not have to be perfect and optimal for me to love myself, I am flexible and dynamic and love myself through it all. 

So what are the top three things I have discovered about self love (other than a regular yoga practice)

PART ONE - You’re Divine

If I had a crisp pineapple ($50.00 note) would you want it if I were to offer it to you no strings attached? What if I had folded it in my wallet? Would you still want it? What if I had dropped it in the car park in the dirt? Even still? What about if I told you the truth and there was a strange brown smear on it now? Do you still want it? Most of your would’ve said YES right? Why is that? Because no matter what it looks like, where its been, what’s happened to it, what has stuck on it, its value remains. Just like you. 

What are you waiting for? Remember you are a soul that has a body. You are divine. You are worth loving just as you are. You are already enough. 

The love you need is already within. You do not have to search around in other people for it, in other things, in achievements. You are love, like an ocean within.  “rise in love, like waves in the ocean” 

Love yourself first, everything else falls into place. 


On Loving Yourself - BFF’s