On Loving Yourself - Tough Love
THREE - Tough love
Seek health for yourself over comfort. It’s not always going to look like bubble baths and eating chocolate. I have had to have uncomfortable conversations, discipline myself, take responsibility for my choices and actions, make a plan, fuel my vision and take steps to be the best version of me. Maintain healthy boundaries to allow myself to grow. Boundaries are not brick walls of protection, it’s a line in the sand knowing where you are responsible and where you are not, where someone else can step and where they can not. Know your boundaries and embrace them with love. Be open to love, be open to friendship, be open to challenges. Back yourself (just as you would your BFF).
When you realize the depth of love already within you, you discover how much you have available to offer those around you and your priorities in life. Loving you first means your cup of love is full to pour out to others. It is a healthy kind of love for you and those around you.